# ldapsearch \ -LLL \# result formatting -H ldapi:/// \# ldap uri -p 389 \# ldap port -D "cn=admin,dc=***" \# bindDN -W \# password -b cn=config \# searchbase olcRootDN=cn=admin,dc=****\# filter dn olcRootDN olcRootPW # attrs -L[L{[L]]Search results are display in LDAP Data Interchange Format detailed in ldif(5). Asingle -L restricts the output to LDIFv1.A second -L disables comments. A third -L..
admin 암호 변경1. olcRootDN 값 확인# slapcat -b cn=config | grep olcRootDN olcRootDN: cn=config olcRootDN: cn=admin, dc=*** 여기서 olcRootDN은 cn=admin,dc=**** 2. 암호의 encrypition type 확인# ldapsearch -LLL -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b cn=config olcRootDN=[olcRootDN의 값] dn olcRootDN olcRootPW 출력된 결과에서 olcRootPW 행을 확인{MD5} {SSHA} 등 중괄호로 묶인 부분이 encryption type 3. encryption된 암호 문자열 생성# slappasswd -h [encryption_..